1 Minute Tips

Why you need to take a lunchbreak

Too busy for a lunchbreak? However busy you are, you’ll perform better if you take some time out.

Creating an effective referral system

Referrals are so important for bringing new clients to your accountancy practice. Jenny explains how to create a system that brings you more of the kind of clients you really want – and makes it easier to convert them.

Share your workload to achieve more

It’s so frustrating when you have a big project to complete but you just can’t make any headway. That’s when you need to start sharing the load.

Are you measuring the right things for your business?

Some aspects of your business are easier to measure than others. But that doesn’t mean they’re the right things to measure. The metrics you use have a big influence on the decisions you make about your business so it’s vital to get this right. Jenny explains how in this short video.

How to avoid the 3pm slump

Clue: the answer isn’t chocolate! 
What your body really needs to get out of that mid-afternoon slump.

Advisory isn’t just for your big clients

Don’t discount your smaller clients for your advisory services. You can still help them in ways that are meaningful to them – whether that’s working fewer hours or boosting their income. And if you aren’t sure how to do it – talk to us!

Destress with this one simple tip

It’s simple, it’s quick and you already know how to do it.

Get outside to boost productivity

A quick – and enjoyable – way to boost your energy and your productivity is to get outside. Kerry explains why in this video.

How to sell without being salesy

When you’re trying to sell your accountancy services, being focused on selling is absolutely the wrong thing to do. Sounds wrong, doesn’t it? Shane explains why it matters in this short video.

3 simple steps to improve your marketing

How good is your marketing at bringing you new leads? If you want to get better results, you need to start doing things differently. Susan Clegg shows you 3 simple steps that you need to get right.  

Stop solving your team’s problems for them!

Running an accountancy practice doesn’t mean you have to solve every problem yourself. When a team member tells you there’s a problem, how much time and effort does it take you to find a solution? Jenny Lukas shows you the technique that changes everything.

Accountants, choose your attitude!

When your morning starts badly, do you let it influence your whole day? That’s not the right attitude!
Kerry shows you why you have to choose your attitude if you want to progress.

Spotting advisory opportunities in your clients’ expenses

How often have you come across coaching fees in your clients’ accounts? And those fees are hefty, aren’t they? So why aren’t your clients coming to you for that advice? Shane explains how to get your clients buying this kind of advisory service from YOU.

Tolerating poor performance

Do you have team members whose performance isn’t up to scratch? We’re all being challenged by the situation around COVID-19 but tolerating poor performance doesn’t help your team member in the end. And you need to keep standards high through your accountancy practice. So be honest when things aren’t being done right and give feedback in a positive way. That way, you’ll motivate them to do better.

The most important thing to measure

What’s your real measure of success? Chances are that it isn’t just your income; sometimes you have to dig deep to find out what matters most to you. If your accountancy practice isn’t enabling that success, you need to change it. Download a free copy of Shane’s book, Putting Excellence Into Practice, and find how to make that happen – https://www.avn.co.uk/peip/.

Perks don’t create a great team culture

Offering perks to your team might seem like an easy way to keep them feeling engaged. But that’s not what builds a great team culture. The best accountancy practices have built brilliant teams through shared values and a solid structure that everyone buys into.

69 working weeks too many

The decisions that have the biggest impact on your life aren’t always the easiest to make. But when you delay them you’re just prolonging the pain. In this short video Shane tells the story of an accountant who worked 69 more working weeks than he needed to because he delayed making a decision. Are you putting off a big decision? If you are and it’s something we can help with, get in touch. We’ll be happy to talk it over with you.

Explore the obstacles to your goals

Now that tax returns are out of the way, what will you do next? Do you have a plan for reaching your goals? And what will you do if you hit an obstacle? This 1 minute video shows you what to do.

The more you share, the more they’ll care

How much information do you share in your accountancy practice? When you share your key numbers with your team- and why they’re important – you’ll find they’ll really get on board to help you hit your targets. 

The real problem to address

Accountants often say their problem is that they need more clients, or more revenue or more profits. But is that the real problem? And will tackling those issues actually make a difference? Shane suggests looking at things a little differently in this 1 minute video.

Have you told your team?

Things are tough at the moment – and they have been for a long time. Your team are coping with tax returns, lockdown, working from home and – for some – home schooling on top. In this 1 minute video Shane explains what to do to show how much you value them.

It’s OK to work a 16 hour day

While we don’t advocate working very long hours there are two reasons why it can be OK. In this 1 minute video Shane explains what they are and gives you a big tip on how to move away from 16 hour days.

Your value isn’t tax returns

It doesn’t have to be YOU working silly hours on those January tax returns. Our top picks for outsourcing the grunt work are QX Accounting Services, Doshi and Base Practice Support – using them will free up your time to offer more value to your clients. Ready to give it a go?

Your ideal accountancy practice

There are really only two options for an accountancy practice. Operate as a cheap, compliance production line or provide a premium, added value service to fewer clients for higher fees.  If you’d rather have the latter type of practice, download your free copy of Shane’s book here https://www.avn.co.uk/peip/

What kind of clients do you attract?

If you aren’t getting the right kind of clients into your accountancy practice, it’s because you’re using the wrong bait. This short video explains more. Download your free copy of Shane’s book here https://www.avn.co.uk/peip/

The hardest question

Sometimes, we show our strength by showing our weaknesses. It takes real courage for a leader to admit they don’t know something and ask for help. It can be the hardest question but also the most important one.

More clients doesn’t equal more profits

‘More clients equals more profits’ is a myth. All too often, more clients means you’re just more busy with no time to spend on your really good clients. In this 1 minute video I show you how some accountants work with fewer clients, for bigger fees.

Leverage your time with Loom

Video is a quick and effective way to communicate with your team, your clients, even your suppliers. Loom makes it really simple – see more in this 1 minute video.

The gift of the gab

It’s a real skill to be articulate and fluent when you speak, but are you doing ALL the talking? What do your clients really want to hear from you?

Fear is your friend

Don’t let fear put you off taking that leap or taking action on that innovative idea. This 1 minute video explains how to make your fears work for you, not against you.

Emails reduce productivity

Ding! What’s one of the biggest distractions when you’re trying to get stuff done? It’s those emails pinging into your inbox. Here’s a great tip for getting them under control.

Covid shouldn’t stop you improving your practice

When is the right time to work on improving your accountancy practice? Now may not seem like the best time … but it probably never will. Watch this 1 minute video to see why – and download the book Shane mentions here.

All things to all people

More doesn’t necessarily mean better. If you chase every prospect no matter what they’re like, you could end up with a poor quality client base that’s unprofitable and takes up too much time. Shane explains how to change that.

Improve your mental productivity

Here’s a simple but hugely effective technique to maximise your productivity and make the best use of your time. The process for getting hold of the ebook has changed lately but there’s more info here.

Time spent double checking

You want your team to meet your own high standards, of course, but are you spending too much time double checking their work? This 1 minute tip explains how to stop that happening.

Time for the profitable

Work smarter, not harder – focus on your most profitable clients and not the most demanding ones.

Peak Productivity

Do you know what time of day you’re at your most productive? It can make all the difference to getting things done.

Mental Productivity

How productive are you really? This 1 minute tip might surprise you.

Buy Some Time

If you think you can’t buy more time, you’re wrong! This 1 minute video explains how to do it.

Controlling Your Time

You’ll never be in control of your time if you don’t understand how you’re using it now. In this 1 minute video we share a simple way to start.

‘Being’ vs ‘Feeling’ Overwhelmed

What’s the difference and what can you do about it? Shane’s 1 minute tip shows you how to regain control.

Just be there for your clients

In this weeks 1 minute video we talk about how just being there for your clients is the most importants thing right now.

Create a strong social community

In this weeks 1 minute video we talk about how to create a strong social community

Self Isolation

In this weeks 1 minute video we talk about the coronavirus and your business.

The Right Mindset for Scaling Up

In this weeks 1 minute video we share with you how to get into the right mindset for your practice to be able to scale up.

Recommendations on Linkedin

In this week’s 1 minute video we share with you how to ask your clients to give you a recommendation on LinkedIn.

Increase the value perception to get better fees

In this week’s 1 minute video we share with you how to increase the value perception to get better fees.

Avoiding Fee Pressure

In this week’s 1 minute video we share with you what leads to fee pressure from clients and prospects and how to avoid it.

What’s really driving your accounting business?

In this weeks 1 min video we share with you how you should be driving your accontancy business forward.

The old Russian proverb is so accurate

You’re about to get busy with Tax Returns, this doesn’t have to be the norm, it’s actually due to ineffective or non existent systems, take just 1 minute to allocate the time to work ‘on’ your practice in March so that tax returns aren’t a busy time for you. Heres the link I refer to in the video: http://avn.pages.ontraport.net/PEIPMCEB1

Do you keep being told to be 100% niche?

I’ve seen this backfire more times than I’ve seen it work in my 20+ years.
But one thing is an absolutely must…

Let go without losing control

If there’s one thing that creates a glass ceiling in an Accountancy Business it’s the fear of letting go and losing control.

It doesn’t matter how many team members you have, if you find yourself double checking work and having to be the one that has client meetings then you’re a bottleneck.

Start with this simple tip.

Are you too cheap?

Stack ‘em high and sell ‘em cheap? Or high value?
Which are you and which do you want to be? It’s a choice.

Who’s holding you back?

Prove that you do deliver on the promise

Engineering your Practice for good

Get your free copy by clicking this link…

What if your weren’t paying your employees?

Fear and worry are your friends as long as…

Can you escape?

Judgement over systems

Following systems is important, but sometimes being rigid can backfire, sometimes being flexible can backfire. How do your team know which to be?

Are you really as productive as you think you are?

A 100% free way to get great quality clients

Are you consistently using this approach?

It’s incredibly difficult to self diagnose.

Is your Practice going swimmingly?

The link to complete the free online Practice Performance Assessment is: www.takethetest.today

The more you share, the more they’ll care.

Don’t disguise or hide the numbers that matter to your Accountancy Practice.

Convenience is the enemy of value.

This is an easy trap to fall into which results in your clients feeling unloved. In the video, I refer to an article that goes into more detail. Read more here.

What’s your measure of success?

The true measure of your success.

Are you measuring the number that will drive action to improve your practice? Or that are consequences of the things you’ve done.

Heres the link to the article I mention: https://www.avn.co.uk/2019/06/12/measuring-your-success/

2 tips and a freebie

I’m seeing that a lot of Accountants are tapping into the expertise of social media experts and web developers for content that is meant to represent themselves.

And, it is a good thing to be leveraging your time but what I’m really seeing is lots of generic content, lots of overly self-promoting content rather than stuff that differentiates you and speaks for who you are.

So I’ve got a couple of tips for you because I believe there has to be an in-between.

Claim your style guide here: http://unbouncepages.com/styling-guide-offer/

If you don’t ask, THEY don’t get

This morning I was delighted to receive this wonderful email from one of our AVN members.

Within it he was expressing sincere thanks to the AVN team for the impact that AVN’s had on him personally and his accountancy practice.

He shared some results he’s been getting, but the one that I wanted to share with you is that he was saying, just yesterday, he sat down with one of his clients, who had previously paid him a thousand pound per year, and he asked him some thought-provoking questions.

Earn more, work less…blah blah blah

Isn’t that just everybody’s opening gambit?

You must be sick of seeing it by now. I know I certainly am, and I must confess I’m guilty of using it myself in the past.

But it’s fair to say two things. One, most of us are so used to seeing that kind of language that we tend to switch off to it.

And number two, not everybody wants to reduce the amount of hours that they’re working. Maybe they’re pursuing a passion. Not everybody feels the need to earn more either.

Please and thank you’s

Please do take 37 seconds to listen to this piece of advice, it simple but it is important.

Déjà vu?

Has this January been like last January?  Will next year be like this one?

It doesn’t have to be… watch this interview: https://youtu.be/bl-c67oyYuw

Treat Yourself

Tax Returns are over! What’s been the cost of doing those tax returns?  Watch this brief video for a quick tip.

65% of Accountants struggle

This staggering statistic shows that so many accountants in practice struggle in ways that you might too.

Watch my brief video and then click this link to join me on my next webinar: www.avn.co.uk/webinars

Are your ducks lined up?

What are the important things you’ve been putting off doing until your ducks are in a row? Watch this brief video to find out why those ducks will never line up!

Win, win, win proposition for you

About 7 minutes of your time in exchange for some powerful resources from me?

Get better referrals

Sometimes, we feel compelled to work with a referred client, here’s a simple strategy to get great referrals.

Mistakes are welcome here

Our best source of learning as a team

Introduce this type of culture into your Accountancy Practice and the results will be amazing.

When would now be a good time?

The day to day stuff, whilst really important, stops us from making life better.

Watch this short video, send me an email if you’d like some personal recommendations.

This is how you stop fighting fires

Being busy isn’t the same as being productive.

My 50 second tip this week, recorded from my stand at Accountex is intended to help you prevent those fires getting started.

A proactive Accountant would say?

Are you truly delivering on the expectation of a proactive accountant?

Many Accountants advertise themselves as a proactive accountant and yet, when I asked them what that means, the response alarmed me.

In order to be successful, you must…

decide on something incredibly important

Of course, money is important and is a huge enabler to many things in business and in life but there’s a bigger picture.  Watch this short video for more

Traditional vs Forward Thinking Accountants

Traditional vs Forward Thinking Accountant; a simple distinction. Which do you think you are and which do your clients think you are?

Read my blog to get a full run through of the difference and decide which you truly fall into. Click here: https://www.avn.co.uk/2019/04/16/technology-wont-ruin-your-practice-your-decisions-will/

Get the best from your Accountex trip

I know that you’re being bombarded with emails from speakers at Accountex so I’m sure organising your day will be a challenge as it is.

My advice is to have a specific objective for your visit.

Watch this video to see if my presentations at Accountex fit with your objectives, if so, I hope to see you.

I’m an accountant…tumbleweed

You have about 10 seconds to achieve a ‘tell me more’ when someone asks what you do.  What do you say?

Ask me to send you a copy of our Elevator Pitch Resource for free by emailing shane.lukas@avn.co.uk

When someone asks, what do you do, how do you answer?

You’ve got about 10 seconds to really grab them.

Do you answer, ‘I’m an accountant?’

Or as I’ve seen quite often recently, do you answer in a way that actually doesn’t really reveal that you’re an accountant and leaves the recipient quite confused about what you do and too embarrassed to ask?

Your decision from yesterday

The results that you’re getting in your Accountancy Practice today, are the consequences of the decisions and actions that you took yesterday.

Reach out to us. We can help you make those changes that you want.

Here’s a rod

Avoid this mistake in January that creates a rod for your back. I know you’re busy with Tax Returns, this brief tip will help you and your clients


Some benefit from a penalty, it becomes a success which raises morale and increases performance. Watch this short video to replicate the benefits.


Although your clients will want to avoid a fine, they’ll do it at the last minute – which doesn’t help you. Try this instead!