Month: September 2020

  • We’re all human

    We’re all human

    Lessons from lockdown When we asked for submissions for the Excellence In Challenging Times Award we knew we’d be hearing some amazing stories. We knew that accountants have been doing all they can to help their clients stay in business and to keep them informed of the ever-changing rules (that was why we set up…

  • Roundabout Homeless Charity

    Roundabout Homeless Charity
  • 3 things to do now to free up your time

    3 things to do now to free up your time

    Effective time management is a perennial problem for many of us. Dealing with your inbox, phone calls, meetings and managing your team could each take up your working day all on their own. There are many factors underlying our lack of time and hundreds of books have been written on the subject –  I’m not…

  • Winning new clients: stop talking and start listening!

    Winning new clients: stop talking and start listening!

    How do you go about winning new clients? Chances are that once you get them to a meeting, you try to impress them with your expertise and experience. You tell them what you’ve done for other business owners, the difference you’ve made, the amazing results. But the reality is that – however dazzling your credentials…

  • The real value of client testimonials

    The real value of client testimonials

    You probably know already that client testimonials are one of the best methods of demonstrating your expertise and experience. After all, when clients speak in their own words, it’s not just you telling everyone how great you are! Testimonials provide ‘social proof’ and generate confidence so prospective clients are more likely to trust you. Using…