Month: March 2021

  • How to add value for prospective clients

    How to add value for prospective clients

    The way you position your accountancy firm to prospects influences the value they place on your services. When you do something compellingly different, you don’t have to compete on the same terms as your competitors. So adding value right from the point when a prospect first becomes aware of you, makes it more likely that…

  • Ashgate Hospicecare

    Ashgate Hospicecare
  • The AVN Masterclass – virtual event, real life results

    The AVN Masterclass – virtual event, real life results

    The first ever virtual AVN Masterclass finished on Saturday Up until now we’ve be running the Masterclass 3 or 4 times a year, spending 3 days getting to know the delegates, having meals and drinks together, and gaining an understanding of who they are and what they want from their accountancy practice. And the delegates…