Author: admin

  • 3 pricing mistakes accountants make

    3 pricing mistakes accountants make

    How many pricing mistakes are you guilty of? Getting it right is hard, isn’t it? How do you know if you’re charging too much? Or too little? Over and over again, I see accountants making the same mistakes; mistakes that lead to them earning less than they could be and being busier than they should…

  • Why your clients don’t buy your advisory services

    Why your clients don’t buy your advisory services

    Many accountants say they do business advisory work but actually get very little take up of these services. To be successful at it, you have to see it from the business owner’s point of view. If they’re going to commit time and money, they want to know you can deliver real value. They want to…

  • Wheelchair for Dylan

    Wheelchair for Dylan
  • Buying an accountancy practice – mistakes to avoid

    Buying an accountancy practice – mistakes to avoid

    Buying an accountancy practice is an opportunity to grow and develop your firm, to boost profits and revitalise your team. It can open up new markets and enhance your brand. But if it goes wrong, it can also have profound and long lasting consequences on your time, your finances, your stress levels and your relationships.…

  • Cash for Kids

    Cash for Kids
  • Online reviews for accountants – ignore at your peril

    Online reviews for accountants – ignore at your peril

    The power of online reviews for accountants is increasing. In some sectors, they already carry enough clout to make or break a business. You’ve probably seen some of the news stories about fake reviews (both good and bad) on TripAdvisor and one law firm has even brought a libel case over a negative review (see…

  • First day back in the office

    First day back in the office

    It’s your first day back in the office after a year … By Kerry Riley, AVN. You wake up in the morning as usual. You have a shower, get dressed, head downstairs, make a coffee, settle down with your laptop at the kitchen table…. And then you remember – the pandemic is over and it’s…

  • Make your number 1 client happy!

    Make your number 1 client happy!

    Who’s your number 1 client? At AVN, we often talk about your number 1 client being your own accountancy practice. It’s vital to look after your own business before you can focus on helping someone else’s. Makes sense, doesn’t it? But actually, that’s not quite right. Your number one client isn’t your business. It’s YOU.…

  • Cancer Research UK

    Cancer Research UK
  • How to add value for prospective clients

    How to add value for prospective clients

    The way you position your accountancy firm to prospects influences the value they place on your services. When you do something compellingly different, you don’t have to compete on the same terms as your competitors. So adding value right from the point when a prospect first becomes aware of you, makes it more likely that…