Category: AVN Insights

  • What’s keeping accountants awake at night?

    What’s keeping accountants awake at night?

    By Shane Lukas, AVN Managing Director At AVN we talk to accountants every day. We listen to the challenges you’re facing and the issues that cause you stress, worry and yes, sleepless nights. Whether it’s lack of time, pricing, confidence, overall strategy or something else, we’ve got a good idea of what’s causing the most…

  • Why you procrastinate – 7 reasons

    Why you procrastinate – 7 reasons

    Why you procrastinate is down to several reasons By Shane Lukas, Managing Director, AVN We human beings are a lot less rational than we like to think we are. And we’re very good at justifying our irrational actions – or inactions – to ourselves. How many times have you told yourself you’re saving money because…

  • Skills shortage – will KPMG layoffs help you?

    Skills shortage – will KPMG layoffs help you?

    By Jenny Lukas, AVN Director and Practice Growth Expert What does the news that KPMG is cutting 200 jobs in the UK mean for the accountancy skills shortage? It’s not the only one to make redundancies. In the last 18 months, across all of the Big 4, more than 9,000 employees have been let go…

  • Time to reset?

    Time to reset?

    By Shane Lukas, Managing Director, AVN So the UK is having a general election (in case you hadn’t noticed). Which of course means an absolute deluge of news, comment, claims and counter-claims. I feel exhausted already and there’s another 4 weeks to go! Whoever you vote for and whatever the result, this constitutes a reset.…

  • Is Working Harder Always the Answer?

    Is Working Harder Always the Answer?

    By Shane Lukas, Managing Director, AVN It’s fair to say that for most of us (except for a very lucky few), success doesn’t come without hard work. But when does hard work actually hinder your progress, rather than moving you forwards? Working harder isn’t always the answer. As Einstein wisely pointed out, doing the same…

  • The Surprising Link Between Stress and Your Weight

    The Surprising Link Between Stress and Your Weight

    AVN’s resident wellness expert, Kerry Riley, helps you understand the connection. Stress has become a common part of daily life for many people. From work deadlines to family responsibilities, the pressures of modern living can take a toll on our mental and physical well-being. And one area where stress can have a significant impact is…

  • Time management techniques for accountants

    Time management techniques for accountants

    By Shane Lukas, Managing Director, AVN Time management techniques that actually work aren’t complicated. But that doesn’t mean they’re easy to implement. When you’re running an accounting firm, it’s crucial to strike the right balance between operational tasks and strategic activities. But many owners/partners find they’re overwhelmed with day-to-day tasks and just can’t find the…

  • Make the Most of Real Moments: Lessons from a Song

    Make the Most of Real Moments: Lessons from a Song

    By Jenny Lukas, Practice Growth Expert, AVN The other day I heard a song I hadn’t listened to in a long time, “Cats in the Cradle” by Ugly Kid Joe. Although it was written in 1974 (by Harry Chapin), the words and their message couldn’t be more relevant to now. If you don’t know it,…

  • A simple way to create a powerful client meeting agenda

    A simple way to create a powerful client meeting agenda

    The meeting agenda that helps you get the right outcome. By Shane Lukas, Managing Director AVN Do you ever feel you aren’t in control of your client or prospect meetings? You go in with the intention to win additional fees or to bring in a new client, but somehow the meeting runs away from you.…

  • Are you undercharging for your services?

    Are you undercharging for your services?

    By Shane Lukas, Managing Director, AVN Are you undercharging for your services? Undercharging is all too common in the world of accountancy. And, while the most obvious impact of this is on your profitability, it goes much further than that. Undercharging affects the way your clients perceive your accountancy practice and the kind of prospects…